Navigating early intervention can be a nightmare, and even if you do manage to find the perfect school––whether it's public, private, or parochial––for your child eventually, making sure they have the right support team of therapists and aides is a whole other headache. And getting the tuition reimbursement you're entitled to from the government? As we say in Brooklyn, fuhgeddaboudit!
When our son was young, we made every mistake in the book; we also felt isolated from our community and peers, and we'd like to spare you that experience! Chatting with people who have been through it can demystify the process, so reach out to us to be connected with families you can learn from and lean on.
Jewish Autism Network also offers personalized IEP coaching, during which you’ll learn all the acronyms you’ll ever need to know (among other useful things). Whilst we are New York-based and understand best how to navigate the complex (and often meshugenah) New York Board of Ed, we also have relationships throughout the United States, Israel, and the United Kingdom (Daddy is Brit). If you’re in the New York area and need more intensive help advocating for services or securing reimbursement from the DOE, we can also connect you with a respected and knowledgeable attorney working in this space for a free legal consultation.

Residential School
When we were faced with the decision to send our son to residential school, we were terrified. But now that we see our son thriving in an enriched, positive environment designed to meet his needs, we know we made the right call—for him, and for us.
If you’re considering a residential environment for your child, we’re available to provide personal counsel, whether it’s helping you navigate the admissions process or just lending a sympathetic ear as you determine the best path forward. For observant families, we are also plugged into a worldwide network of rabbis who can ensure your child is able to perform mitzvahs from the comfort of their school.

By 2030, up to 500,000 teenagers with Autism will graduate from school and enter legal adulthood––only to be left with little to no suitable housing.
This is a crisis we can’t allow to pass. We’re partnering with developers working to build supportive housing for people with Autism and spreading awareness by nagging everyone with any clout whatsoever to help make sure these young (and not-so-young) adults have the facilities they need. Want to find out more about our work in this area? Get in touch!